Løsninger for engrossalg
e-handel til grossister
Vær rustet til å håndtere eksterne påvirkninger, for eksempel nye markedsaktører, diversifisering av kanaler og endrede kundeforventninger. For å møte disse skiftende kravene trenger du full fleksibilitet og funksjonalitet for bestillinger og selvbetjening, samt full oversikt over lagerbeholdningen osv.
DynamicWeb integreres med dine eksisterende systemer og tilbyr fleksible e-handelsløsninger som sikrer sømløse kjøpsopplevelser og selvbetjening for kundene dine.

100 % fleksibel e-handel
e-handels- og PIM-funksjoner, utviklet for engrossalg
Oppdag DynamicWeb Commerce Suite, som optimaliserer mulighetene for digital handel og gjør deg i stand til å levere gode kundeopplevelser. Vi har identifisert de viktigste funksjonene innen engroshandel:
Imitasjon for B2B-kunder
Produktkatalogen din kan være både kompleks og/eller omfattende, og du må kunne støtte kundene dine i kjøpsprosessen. For dette formålet har vi funksjonen "personifisering", som lar deg legge til produkter i kundens handlekurv slik at den inneholder nøyaktig det de trenger, slik at kunden kan godkjenne og kjøpe når de er klare.
Kundespesifikke priser
Med en ERP-integrert e-handelsløsning kan du vise kundespesifikke priser og lagerbeholdning i sanntid og gi enkel tilgang til produktdata. Minimer kompleksiteten ved å bruke ERP-systemet ditt som eneste datakilde, og opplev hvor enkelt det er å levere personaliserte tilbud basert på tilgjengelige CRM- og ERP-data.
Kontroll av produktdata
Det er ekstremt viktig å tilby lett tilgjengelige, omfattende og nøyaktige produktdata. Du MÅ gjøre det mulig for kundene dine å finne det de trenger raskt og effektivt. Dette betyr at du må ta kontroll over produktdataene dine.
Ekte B2B Commerce Cloud
Fokuser på kjernevirksomheten din, vel vitende om at løsningen din alltid kjører. Implementering av e-handelsløsningen din i DynamicWeb Cloud gir deg den beste og mest pålitelige måten å optimalisere oppetiden på.
Kundens suksesshistorie: Toi-Toys
Oppnå lynrask, skalerbar produktstyring
Med DynamicWeb CMS og PIM er Toi-Toys i stand til raskt å legge til ny produktinformasjon, gi bedre støtte til salgs- og markedsføringsteam, samtidig som de overholder bransjens lover og forskrifter.
B2B- og D2C-muligheter for engroshandel
Fordeler for grossister
Grossister opplever intense omveltninger. Etter hvert som forbrukeratferd og forventninger endres, må B2B e-handelsledere revurdere sin tilnærming til salg på nettet og fokusere på å skape skreddersydde digitale opplevelser som vil gi dem langsiktig suksess.
Hos DynamicWeb gjør vi det mulig for grossister å levere bedre digitale kundeopplevelser og skalere e-handelssuksess gjennom vår skybaserte e-handelssuite med bransjespesifikke funksjoner som f.eks:

Unique product recommendation
Drive awareness and increase sales by delivering dynamic data-driven product recommendations, cross- and upsells to new and existing customers. For instance, you can utilize the built-in promotions and customer data. Having all your CRM, ERP and PIM data combined in one platform enables you to automate and target your messages, content and deals to every unique visitor and/or customer of yours. DynamicWeb's eCommerce Suite offers built-in PIM to streamline and automate internal workflows and processes. Managing your product data has never been easier.

Customer-specific services
Deliver a superior customer experience by providing transparency and easy-to-use customer services, such as customer portals with personalized pricing, invoices, shipment status, on- and offline order history. You can even empower your customers to create order templates to easily add recurring orders straight into their shopping carts. With integration to your ERP, deliver a positive experience by automatically notifying when sold-out items will be back in stock or offer similar products to maximize shopping cart value.

Rich & accurate product information will drive traffic and sales
30%+ of all visitors use the site search on webshops. These visitors typically convert 1.8x more than those visitors using alternative forms of navigation. However, one of the biggest challenges for modern eCommerce shops is to understand the behavior of customers during their visit to the website. A crucial factor to deliver a good user experience is to optimize the site search function and thus increasing your online sale. DynamicWeb delivers tools such as synonyms, spelling checker, and plural searches to optimize site search to support customers on their buyer's journey.

A+ content for customer loyalty
The ugly truth of todays eCommerce market is that industries are emerging and you’re only competing with your peers, but competitors like online marketplaces are emerging. To compete with Amazon, wholesalers will need more than the shopping cart functionality. Here's where content helps you stand out. Besides technical product information and spec sheets, your customers most likely want other helpful content resources that enable them to evaluate your goods and better understand why to choose you and how to get the most value of your offerings after the purchase. And of course, focusing on content marketing will generate the SEO benefits that assist customers in finding your site in the first place

Scalability – build to grow with your business
DynamicWeb cloud-native solutions can dramatically decrease wholesais’ costs and complexity. Because we’re cloud-based, you don’t have to wear the cost of hosting and maintaining servers on site. The DynamicWeb Commerce Suite is built for the wholesale industry and is highly scalable. The ERP integrated solution synchronizes key data across your DynamicWeb solution and your ERP, such as inventory, prices, sales taxes, multi-subsidiary customers and locations, as well as master products. All transactions in DynamicWeb correspond to a financial transaction in your ERP. Moreover, DynamicWeb can integrate to a long list of add-ons, including integrations with PIM, ERPs and other relevant platforms. Visit the DynamicWeb Marketplace to know more.

Full Self-Service Customer Portal
Show customer-specific pricing, invoices, shipment status, on- and offline order history with rich product information. Let customers create order templates to easily add recurring orders straight into their shopping carts. Inform when sold-out items will be back in stock or offer similar products to maximize shopping cart value. In other words, empower your customers to interact with your business how and when they want. With tight integration to your ERP system, you'll be able to easily transfer the complex pricing structures built in your ERP into your online sales environment. DynamicWeb’s platform delivers an ERP integrated eCommerce solution that empowers you to start selling with a fully functioning storefront that works on all devices at all times.
Know your customers' digital buyer behavior
Why you need more than a shopping cart
As B2B buyers shop through distributors like Amazon, they expect digital services when doing business with you. Having an eCommerce site with a “Buy Now” button and a shopping cart is not enough to satisfy any customer accustomed to extensive self-service, and personalized experience when they shop online.
We guide you, step-by-step, on how to deliver more than a shopping cart.